Thursday 1 September 2011

The Cat's Tale

Long long time ago, there was this slender girlfriend of mine (still single then) stranded in the hall way with me while waiting for the lecture to start. 2nd year gua. We were talking about relationship. Or I was complaining about some un-blossomed relationship again. Hmm!

She and I made up this theory

Very pretty gal and pretty boy always get into a relationship in no time. 

Pretty gals will often score by not so good looking boys and Pretty boys will often score not so good looking girls. 

The average group get nothing cuz they will keep aiming for the pretty ones and never look on the not so good looking ones.

If the pretty is dating another pretty, the relationship will end up being short lived. Cuz the IT couple get a lot of unwanted attentions and they always have choices to pick onto.

Those not so good looking dating another one under the same group will eventually end up as an unhappy affair as both might having strong desire to stray~ to find a better one.

This was proven by a lot of UKM made couples alright.

The average one still get nothing. 


Any truth ?

Rubbish Tale 

I know XP

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