Friday 29 June 2012

The kindest Friday

Slept very late last night. So that I could finish my work early today. 
Felt like a zombie for the whole morning. My performance was slightly weak this week. I was slow & cases were not smooth moving. Rasah taught me alot this week especially on loan package for land purchase & islamic product. 

Friday- judgement day. Where would I be sent next week? I was half expecting Johor. I felt like returning there. But something better came up.
Seremban :)

The feeling of being sent "home" made me beaming with smile for the whole day. 
I got so much to talk to all my seniors & my boss. So much!

Finally after 2 months, I was allowed to go home. I could sense that my superior is mad at me. Felt. So sorry. I gotta start loving myself. Those who knew me know how badly I punish myself emotionally.

Can't wait to go back Seremban Branch on Wed. 


Someone remind me that day about the alien in my body. She took it out surgically. I don't know how different her case compared to mine. She is one brave girl. One year past by and I didn't really bother with it for a long time. Until I realized that it could have worsened. I'm waiting for the day to have finally collect enough of courage to face it. Let me drag until my birthday is over okay :)

Wilson texted me to come out dinner which prompted me to leave early once I finish my work. He & the rest of those who studies 4 years are officially jobless XD.

6 years le... can you believe it. Those were the days we dressed up in green uniform as Paulians. 

My smile becomes precious. U guys drew it effortlessly. 
Thank you dearest. 

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