Friday 17 June 2011

It was published XD

In The Star newspaper....

on the 16th of June.... Well, I did not win the RM50 though =( Erm, That wasn't my real intention anyway.

Among thousands, I was selected =) So, it was good. 

I was eating lunch nearby a Church where they provide free lunch for the old and needy. This man on his motorbike pulled in and walked into the place without any sense of guilt leaving this poor soul alone. Luckily the day wasn't hot but hey, he was without a badge and leash. He could be shot to death and he simply could not run away. He was down right goodie being humbly stuck inside the box and wait anxiously for his stupid master to come back. Uncle his age for sure will be there, spend his own sweet time and chat a long list of topic before leaving. My eyes were upon this poor fellow all the while I ate. I wish I could do anything... but like usual, I'm powerless.

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