As a senior singer this year, I expect myself to deliver greatness. I wish to be someone who can guide and I want to mark a footprint in NT.
From January onwards, practices begun. I was committed from the start. Although I wasn’t a committee, but my besties were. To be less of a burden, it was wise to be available for them, helped them out whenever they needed me. Once I set my heart to do well in something, I will go all out- I did!
My band mates included
>Christine Tee = composer/arranger
>Kiwi = arranger
>Edmund loo = drummer
>Mingyuen = bassist
>Jason Ang = harmonica
>Kai Yuen = tambourine
>Siew win, Pui Yan, Sam = background singers
>Me = main vocalist
I cannot tell how proud I was when I saw this picture... U guys were amazing =)
All together we have 10 members in GnT team. We always have lotsa fun during practices.
Give n Take is a fun song to deal with. I remember the first time I heard the song. I was guessing whose voice was that. I thought it was Kiwi’s voice and it was compose by Leng2. It was weird but catchy at the same time. And for all time, I sucks in audition. Still NT wanted me in. XD
I’m a fussy gal… and demanding too. But my band mates never once let me down. Each of them masters their field so that I could focus on singing. We discussed about the arrangement open heartedly, we gave opinions and I would share my ideas. Thanks all~ Thanks for tolerating my needs and insanity. I have good ears but I cannot talk in music language. I have difficulty expressing my ideas so, thanks for listening to this amateur speaker. Apart from my own songs, I have 5 backgrounds singing for 5 different vocalists which made me a busy gal. Band room was almost my 2nd hot spot at Bangi.

Time spent during practices was the best moments ever. I always love Ethan’s voice and once we had extra time, I will make him sing Sam Lee’s songs. Fooling around with him, singing our favourite Divas’ songs made me realised one superb potential I never thought I have. I have ‘HaiTunYing’… literary translate as Dolphin’s pitch. I was so high when we sang ‘Emotion’ by Mariah Carey and the high pitch came out just nice. Possibly a lower octave one, but still, I had it. I got to work on it as it could just be another trick in my pocket!

My song made me push boundaries. I never really try singing songs outta my comfort range. In fact, I never really test my full range before. Even if I did, I suppressed it so that nobody hears flatness or outta pitch problem if my voice goes out of control. I tried and succeeded! Finally I can do what American Idol’s contestants do best ~ hitting the high end note. In fact, the song was so special I can try all different styles such as growling, flirty n whisper sounds… I never thought I could do it live…
I thought JcDaGreat only come alive when I sing in the shower.
Newtune gave me a platform to perform, brought in a crowd of music lovers to see me shine, and an extensive training for my vocal and performance quality all through the function. Along the way, I made friends and we created a family and a strong unity. My hearing ability became sharper as I learn to pick up musicians mistakes as well during rehearsal. I am a better singer and a better performer thanks to NewTune. NT gave me the opportunity to sing live on air at the radio station 988 together with other vocalists which was awesome.
3days after NTLP 14, and I’m still very emo. I yet to adjust myself back to reality. The whole thing is still fresh in my head and it’s almost like a dream I dun wish it to end. I’m a bit left hanging…I’m still having the aftermath effects. I kept dreaming weird dreams, relating to the concert. The emoness went extreme. I just chop my hair and got myself a brand new fridge… OMG bloody god. Everyone knows I hate fridge!
I almost wanted to get rid of my long hair for good. My mom stopped me fearing that I would scream once my consciousness is back. Now if I had a bad hair day, I will really need a big red hat to cover it. Sigh! It’s time to kick da thesis ass as my supervisor keep rushing me to get it done. Sadly, the time is just not right… yet. I’m still not doing any progress. Assignments are left untouched. Thesis… I don’t wish to graduate, but not in this way….
U girls are the best...ever =)
Siewin, Hooi Ling, Edmund~ I joined this club with you guys, and I’m gladly end this journey with you all as well. Love always… I’m ready to be super senior~ part of the OldTuners… ones that shoots from afar through emails and FB, and finally enjoy show from the audience seats. Are you? I can’t wait to watch Mamee Monster perform for NTLP 15. Juniors, it’s your time to shoulder the responsibility.
My humble beginning in NT...Can u guys recall this?
Bye Mr. Tune da 14th. I'll see you soon in a year time...
I hereby bit a temporary goodbye… We are never too far… As long as you need me, I’ll be there… Im always here…I’m haunting… Can’t you feel my presence? At least my cats are with you… =))) Newtuner knows what I mean~
The secret code~ Miaow =3
(For more pictures, do refer to my FB profile... ) Special thanks to Choong How aka Mau Gege, Zeon aka Ah Fai, Malcolm, Wei Quan~ I never thought that I could be that beautiful =)