Saturday 29 September 2012

PBB Annual Dinner 2012

I have attended PBB southern region 2 Annual Dinner twice. 
& I'm not even one year in the bank yet. 

This time is different. This 46th celebration, I sang. 

Went there early & had myself 2 bad rehearsals. My voice was having its attitude on that faithful day. 
It was weak, not in tune, & was very dry. 

I was too tired & wasn't so pumped up to perform already until I saw a courageous guy went on the stage with high confidence. That confidence oozed a charming figure initially until he open his mount. OMG! He sang a medley of Lee Hom's songs with zero tune. He didn't sang the right key for the entire song or rather only 3 note was sang right. That comforted me a lot. I made sure I ate some portion of the dinner cuz I knew I need some energy to boost while seeking comforts with some dear fwens.

The staff performance section started on 8.30pm & my turn was on the 5th. The 1st gal sang reflection. I knew her while I was still an MCO in Tengkera. She speaks like a mice, but sang like a lion! I danced along other performances to relax myself.   

I was called. Representing Seremban branch.
I stood in the middle of the stage clearly saw all the big guns before me including my boss. Oh dear... If that didn't freak me out, I don't know what would. 

So I sang, HE came up & gave me a flower.... (definitely not in voluntary basis) & my voice soar. 
(Now some bitchy rumors are spreading in the branch - Sigh)
Having performed my greatest effort in NTLP14, I knew that night was just my average if not bad. 
My choruses were fine. The rest was just plain - nothing worth comment. 
But deng! I looked smashing hot. Fair la. LoL!!! 

My superiors took photos of me on stage... I'm still seeking a reason or a right to retrieve photos from them. 
Uh... Like I should?

Like usual, I didn't win any lucky draw.... big prizes were given but none of my business le. People was walking away with Galaxy Ace, HD TVs, & all others luxurious stuffs....

I walked away with some accolades lor... good enough right?

I'll be marking my one year anniversary with PBB soon due November. 
Something better happens before I got lost in it. 

Officially one month as branch staff. Month end was nasty. Work load was harsh. But whatever learned was precious. Those who have done good deeds to me, I am thankful to you & I'll make sure I'll pay them in one way or another. Those who misuse me & selfishly disown me, I will keep it dearly in heart. I will not set revenge on you. I will only make you feel guilty. 

Whoever needs financial assistance or banking information, feel free to ask me. Don't worry of me being persuasive. Cuz I'm not intending to achieve my sales target. LOL!!! I'm so not marrying a salesman. 

I am the 'Pok Chao' type. 
I'm just a hardworking learner, definitely not wanting to be a high achiever. 
I could -  selectively. I would - only if I want it.

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