Friday 28 September 2012

Island Escapade Part 2

I'm supposed to be telling day 2 story right? Right!

Since we couldn't fulfilled day 1 with activities that were planned, day 2 activities are affected as well. 
Island hoping (4 hours basis) was indeed the most exciting & most fun activity we have chosen. The budget inn provide a cheaper package for us. As promised, we need to get ready by 9.30am. We were sent to  Cenang Jetty together with a bunch of Middle East men. They resembled Western dudes so much but they tend to maintain a wholesome lotsa hairs which I don't really like. LOL. Hairs are meant for animals. Please, no offense k. It's just my own sense of preference. Oh dear, I think I just made hairy people or wanna be hairy dudes very mad. Sowey~

We jump into the speed boat once it was ready. 1st stop was Dayang Bunting island. It has its legendary lake water that could make a maiden pregnant. Well~~~
The lake itself was nothing special but the environments & the ride was superb fun. 
2nd stop was The Eagle Feeding site...Pulau Singa Kecil if I'm not wrong. That island is surprisingly densely populated with eagles. Many boatmen are feeding them chicken skins to lured them catching em on the sea. What a stunt! Deng, my boatman was so stingy he prepared none bait for our entertainment. T.T 

The ride continues to Pulau Beras Terbakar. (Pls be reminded, I could have mention the names wrongly since the memories were no longer fresh in my mind). There I got my self engaged with shells. I have a hobby of collecting shells from every beach I've been except for PD. 
It's a private island where no toilet is provided. Very small surrounding with internal island are blocked from public. It was a boring site but the water was so clean & blue. & I got my perfect shot there.

The boatman played a prank on us all. We were heading around the island where he suddenly swayed near the isle with full speed. My instinct was that we were all gonna hit it & the next blink of an eye, we could all died. I was holding my gf''s arm & thought that we should really do something. At the very last second, he swung the boat & we avoided the isle - the middle east men laughed with joy & satisfaction. I was like WTF. 

Half way back to the shore, the boat was dead. No more petrol. Seriously....
I remember he said he was gonna dump us all in the last island while he go get back to refill petrol. Oh dude! He called for help while we chat among ourselves, took pictures altogether with strangers. One of them came forward to talk to us 4. He was warming & the most friendly among 3 of them. Perhaps the only one who could speak better English if not equal to the rest. 

He said Syukran in Arab means thank you. He proudly told us Arab word is simple. One word. Thank you 2 words. Terima Kasih is also 2 words. LOL. Oh, the after boat ride's conversation revealed that he was a doctor & the other two were soldiers in Libya. They came to KL for treatments. I choose not to judge on the genuineness cuz I don't think I will ever meet him elsewhere anytime soon. :P No point not believing right?

After a good bath at hotel, we went for our Under Water World museum. Not as grand as I have imagined it. I bet KLCC aquarium is better. But I went in with student price. So what the hell~

I was so desperate to joined the mangrove ride at Kilim in the evening but my girls were not keen with it. Deng! Sad la wei. Nearby there situated a bat cave lagi. They said too expensive for such a short ride- 2 hours basis. Not worthy for only 4 person. A boat is for RM200. Island hoping is only RM25 per person.

We came to know that if we did not take a photo with the biggest landmark in Langkawi, then we don't say we have been there.
So, we headed there with map & road sign indication. We we so eager to meet this little buddy. I didn't know it was located so near to another far end jetty. I didn't know that it was actually so huge. I didn't know that it was such a perfect location to witness sun set :) 

Standing at the corner of the stand, (The eagle was elevated at a stand creatively constructed as a star shape) witnessing the sunset while the wave keeps hitting the shores almost made me believe that I was in a cruise & it was heading towards the open sea.

A perfect evening :) We stayed until the sun vanished.

Night was spent slightly dull where my gals need to shop more for chocolate.
We rushed back to hotel to pack our stuffs nicely. 
We were so tired by midnight everybody slept with very minimal chat~ 
2morrow was another busy day

.....To be continue

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