Wednesday 24 February 2016

That beauty

That charisma

That painstaking wonderlust

That past tense.


They say eyes are the window to the soul.
Could they tell stories?
Present or history?


Too similar yet so different


Was thinking to myself that for the past one year i have been single but not available.


After being unleashed by my incredulous strong will power, the detachment feels incredible.

Well... when the mood is right.

Back to square one.


Y do i feel like im doing something wrong?
I think the once recovered extreme consciousness is coming to haunt me.
I know i have the best intention.
I know i did the right things.
I never do anything wrong intentionally... i guess.
If you catch me doing it, you are best to alert me cuz high chances is that i have no idea what i was doing and it was a mistake.

I think i shall just remain silence for a long good time. The more i do the more it seems wrong.
I need time to figure out the necessities again.

Need to increase the level of ignorance.
The one who wish to know will ask or if he wont ask, then it aint a matter to begin with.
Those who doubt will continue to doubt even though i have the best explanation.
Those who care will find his way to know.

Ok. My pms is killing me.
The stupid wind is blowing hard got my hair messed up while i sat here blogging my dissatisfaction.

LOL... Silly but i kinda enjoy this lonesomeness.
Me surrounded by all shitty people but i still have utter privacy to myself. Blogging like no body business.



I need emotional shut down.
Until further notice.

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