Saturday 16 April 2011

I was self obsess with myself in the NTLP14 video. 

Damn, Jcdagreat was super gorgeous! She was brilliant on stage and hands down to that powerhouse showmanship. XD. Well, I cannot lie cuz I really thought I was incredible. If you disagree then you can simple assume that I was talking craps. But there will be a day that you’d to be sorry to say so. Haha...ignore my 38ness. I'm open to opinions, criticisms, most importantly, guidance.

I have never been that conscious and alert before. But on that very night, that very stage, my entire senses pores came into actions… I knew what I was doing (surprisingly-Well if u ever witness my blurness), and I was leading it well the best I could. Vocally was not perfect… I was freezing cold and that slightly affected my stamina and then my vocal. I was so clear visions my eyes were busy catching cameras as though they were the camera recorder on live TV. Hell yea, I looked beautiful and the S shape was perfectly postured. Most importantly, I enjoy performing and that’s about it. No extravagantly designed choreograph, no mimicry, no nothing… simply my love to sing and my ego to shine. 

My ideas of other singers' performance were posted in FB note instead as not many of em are blogger or read blog. I hope that piece of laugh-over notes can giv em a hint on where they should fix their weakness. Not much to fix though... NT select them for a reason, not to be fix over. They are equally good =)

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