Saturday 3 June 2017

There are times when im needy.
Time when i need comfort and assurance.
Tonight that crazy thunder got me jump awake and im feeling so lost.
I tried to sleep by 12am. Im not sure how deep i have slept but i had 3 cuppa of coffee in the day.

What a day it was. Baby joshua was fixed with new tyres and checked. Safe travel for a road trip.

And when im needy.
Against my will ill go seek for people i yearn affection from. Those that i seek are those that means alot to me at that moment.
Either their accountability or their presence calms my anxiety or that im sure i would be entertained.

This afternoon my love Joanne Wong showed me just that. It was out of a sudden kinda call to her to seek for companion. She showed up eventhough she was one minute from taking a nap and risk making her sister mad.

Tq love. I really really owe you this.

And boy oh boy.
It was 3.30am!!!
Why do you even bother??

Crazy bitch with a crazy need at 3.30am.
I got you tested 3 times for a midnite buzz.
Either you dont sleep or whatever you said is true.
I wonder what ring tone i got assigned.
But most probably you are really a sensitive sleeper.
A buzz will freak you out in the middle of the night.
I dont know.

Still very doubtful.
But thank you. Thank you for not abandoning me tonight when i just needed a random chat.
Please dont hate me for taking your sleeping hours away. Appology accepted?

Someone ask me to marry a mechanic today.
So that he can fix all my problem away when it comes to car issue.
It was a joke. But because if was from him i felt offended.
You may not want me but you dont get to decide whom you want to push me to.
You have no right.
That joke is not funny.
If thats a revenge from you then it is childish.

So i was too serious now?

You want fantasy but cant handle the reality?

Sigh. What am i even saying?


Y u thunder?

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