Saturday 2 July 2016

RIP Take senior

Take Titanium. A name he 1st used as FB recognition.
I was a young junior in newtune club.
Seniors are our direct idols and there was this tall handsome dancer kinda stole the limelight.
I cant recall if my 1st year was his final year or he was just coming back to assist the dance group.
This is new tune spirit. We always come back to the team to support in one way or another.
I can still recalled bumping to him even after i have graduated.

He is my bio senior best fwens too. They were NT dancers.
We were never close. But nobody has ever said anything bad about him. We are from small close music club. So we knew who is sucker and who is not.

Never in my mind i ever imagine anyone i know appear in newspaper for such news. This is awful. I only wish the best and my condelences to his family. Nobody should ever endure such feeling of losing a family member in such a cruel way.

I dont believe the story entangled in his murder.
Even if it was true, no one should ever determine his faith and decide on his death. He is only 31 yrs old. So full of life. So full of love from family members and blessed with good job and best friends. Why such good life got cut short so soon?
What has he done to deserve this?
He is the only son among siblings to his family.
He has parents and siblings.
He is a human.
Killing is an act of animal!

Im so so sorry.
This is hard.
All of us from Newtune feeling sad n heartbroken.
Rest in peace. Who are we kidding right?
How would he rest in peace?

I want your murderers to die 100× worst than they can possibly imagined. Served them well. They shall be sorry to not think of their consequence before ripping someone off their loved ones.

Humality dipped so fucking low. I dont know how to trust moral and be real anymore.

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