Saturday 25 April 2015

Baby Don't Lie

The red button. If i give you more than one chance, to not to repeat what caused me discomfort then you are considered a very welcome person in my life. But if you need more than one reminder than im sorry you are outta my life for good.

When i beg your pardon, when you obviously say something out loud, im not not asking you to repeat your sentence. Im asking you to rephrase your words and think nicely if you have said something wrong. When i ask you similar or exact question twice, i am not forgetful. I have a very good memory. Im asking again cuz i have doubts or cuz i know you are obviously lying. 

My definition of lie does not just mean the out right untrue statement. It also means the misleading facts and the white lies and the not entirely false but not entire genuine display of facts. It also include unfulfilled promises or meaningless suggestion which is misleading. 
There is a quite clear definition of not telling the truth and not telling the entire truth. 

Reluctantly i am shaped the way i am with very low capacity of telling lies. If i do, you will be able to expose it for sure. Although i think i have horned my skill through my experience in my job (hahaha... you cant be too transparent in banking but if you happen to be my customer, you can assured 100% genuine offer). Still i cant tell lie. Which makes me hate liar. 
If u wish to lie, make sure the true dont come to me as long as i am alive. 

If you are not comfortable with me you could just say so. Don't create story. If you avoid answering my question, i will back off cuz i know my limit. But at the same time i also know where i stand. 
Most of the time stories come to me. 1st i dont ask if i dont care. 2nd i dont wanna know anything that doesnt bother me. 

Im a serious person. I thk i have told everyone i know who is alive that i am a serious person. I dont like jokes and surprises very much. Pulling my legs.... gosh are like pulling yourself down the grave. The just kidding jokes no longer amuse me and suggestive planning taken back is even worst. 
I might sound confusing now. But if you do anything related here to me and if i want to keep a relationship with you, i would tell you. 

Many found me comforting cuz i dont judge. I dont judge cuz i respect human in general. So i listen. I behave the way i wish people do shall i need a listener. But i have found my comfort in blogging, thus most of the time ill just blog. Once i have released them, ill forget it until someone trigger it. This is how i find my closure. 
Perhaps i havent found the perfect listener yet. Many try to be and many fail. Im easily turned off. Im selectively sensitive as much as i am selectively choose my listener. Long story short, i have already gave up looking for one. Dont even try to be one. It wont work. Dont try to understand me. I am unreasonably deep and unwillingly stubborn to release comfortably.

Yea. Yea. Draggy. Impossible. Bossy. Tmth.
You dont say...

U may leave
i dont have hidden agenda.
what you see is what you get with me
whatever unlock later is bonus u yet to discover
if there are facts i hide from u... u shud know they are harmful to both you and i.
Leave them alone.

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