Tuesday 16 September 2014

Adult's playing space involves square room eg, hotel bed room, karaoke room, band room, studio room... haha. That stupid stuff just crossed my mind. I had an incredulous urge to post it at FB but well it was a stupid statement. So i just ignore it. It was a boring Malaysia day with no special planning except for a k date with love. Lol. I think he wont mind me calling him that. We love rumours dont we.

Kimyang, a fling of mine since pre uni. My perfect duet partners. Our voices sync beautifully. I can tell. The last time we sang together was during my bday but that didnt count as k date & that duet was a disaster. We didnt get a chance to practice and i was so stubborn to reminisce good old paulian star moment. He improves a lot. I can recall the first time singing with him. He was very shy and he wouldnt sing out loud. Gosh, how well he has changed. Our endless love was perfect  :)
You made my day!

Such a good package. I dont understand why is he still single? I truly believe u're being choosy. Lol.

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