For every MCO the word grounded could be either a happy news or a forceful news.
Those who are tired of traveling will be happy to have a branch to call her own.
I would use the word forceful rather than sad because eventually, each of us would be grounded. It's just the matter of years and how long you are willing to sacrifice whatever the traveling prone life could cost you.
Forceful cuz our claims are so luxurious. Forceful cuz we are so used to our comfortable workload.
I am stuck in the middle. I'm neither too long in branch nor too long as MCO. I just felt like I was being thrown out when I wasn't ready to leave. & just when I started to adjust myself nicely, I was taken back.
But seriously... It wasn't a bad news. In fact, I was really flattered. I just couldn't digest the idea of coming back to my own branch for good. The fact that I would be grounded didn't hit me the way it should though I have already knew it for a month.
Regional manager gave me an official call saying that I will be reporting back to my branch starting September. I feel so sad saying goodbye - I almost feel unwilling to leave.
My branch BM noted that I was officially informed & sensed a sad face.
He thought I was unhappy... Not really. I cannot remember what I have mumbled in respond but I was trying hard to convince him that I wasn't.
Finally in the evening, he seat me at the conference room & brief me an official welcome & the expectation on me to the branch. Gosh. The same room he appraised me for my confirmation on the day I was thrown out to become MCO.
These are what I am not ready for!
Being hand picked back to branch already stress me out. Now whatever I have listened freaks me out.
I just... I just....... I just gotta stop being so grumpy.
I should be thankful. Opportunity like this don't come very often.
Now I owned a seat, I owned my pc, I have my own space, & most importantly I can get back all my passwords.
Sigh. Gotta waive another good bye to MCO team seniors. Next week onwards, I won't be receiving any email entitled "Next Week?" which we all shared to update each other about our location.
Too short a duration. Time doesn't allows it. : (
I felt so unsettled, so indecisive, so humbled.
I'm so weak in adapting to changes yet I meet so many. I can fit in anywhere, however, I'm very reluctant & my fluctuation of emotion will be frequent which is why I'm so grumpy nowadays. Once I open my mouth, I will grumble.
This truly destroy me image~ LOL. Like I had any? LOL.
Yea... This is a year of endurance, patience & challenge.
I'm expecting to be pushed so hard, learned super speedily & to remain single for good.
Hahahaha... what? No? I will not have time for myself pun... for another? Wait ba....
Guess what? I will be performing in PBB annual dinner on the 22nd of September. I have less than a month to prepare for it vocally & physically for the gorgeous gaun I bought.
It will be quite a big function attended by southern region 2 branches.
I can't wait to step on stage again.
Let's just hope Jcdagreat is not dead yet okay ?