A success
da day start off blurry
1. i decided to skip lousy fisio class again...cuz i need more sleep or else i end up havin more injuries...i beh tahan pain in any form one... weak jcdagreat huh
2. no choice but to be present for the Entomology lab... so many people....so cold....so hungry...so sleepy. thanks to my bio gals, i can leave the lab earlier to join the rehersal which postponed...diu
3. i borrow my roomie tights and singlet early in the morning...luckily she has them... i thought i brought em to ukm dy... haiz. i go promise ppl to borrow them the extra tiam...paiseh
4. i wore a 3/4 shorts to the karnival n only realise it has a big big hole in the middle when i was warming up.... i hav to immediately wear my tights and sew it back...which is very diu lien la....
5. so sleepy that i was lying on the floor for so long untill everyone keep guessing if i have asleep...haha. i did but, easily awaken... miss alot of cam whoring...ish
6. rehersal was okay but, due to the size of the stage, everythg have to reshape and rearrange...
7. i like my make up today....sexy....for ur info, i am a ghost in da dance....

8. then, before the preview, we went out to the karnival to eat dinner...but the main purpose is to scare and get attention...self promoting ma... damn fun to see so many outsiders funnily staring at us and take photos....haha....
9. when we almost ready to get on stage, we were told that our performance is postponed to 10.00pm.... we were shitty provoked and my senior Darren was in flame...LOL
10. luckily, they finally realise the fact of the consequences and ask us to prepare...

11. wasn't really scare...infact was quite focus... once the light dimmed and spot light on and when the mist was realese, the feeling came.... i like the screaming effect by dunno who and the comments i received were good. majorly positive....
12. so happy to see my friends supporting da show.... love them so much.... feel so good especially it was an impressive show. the ex dancers were there too... having their compliments are most appreciated. gen soon and jia loong...muaks
13. i love all da dancers and the spirit we share... i came back this year to dance is not just because i love dancing or contemp'... i actually love new jazz better....those sexy slutty female dance. but i just love the team spirit and togatherness we shared. thanks darren for this... he is one good leader when he dont get angry...leo-rean, un un la.
14. he was there... i dunnoe who he was looking forward to see or what ever reason that brought him there, i just like the fact that i saw him there during my special night and i was impressive- minuse the ghostly look on my face...ish. practically, it wasnt me on the stage but when i came down the stage, that look will be too shoking for me to show off....haha
i like how the arrangement goes and the tchers and directors are so proffesional. looking forward to a closer bonding in all the family members in PT-30.
once, i finnish dance, which was just a moment, from a high point, i drop back to the average mood...which was very hard to accept...this will be the feeling i have on the real day. 3/10. it would be worst!!!
oh yea...during da last part when we were about to give a group bow, the ghost have to crawl up da stage... the carpet wounded my knee skin...ish...pain. luckily no blood. thanks for my palm for behaving cuz it didnt hurt much today....
i fallen from a two legged off the ground kick and i was ashamedly crashed down the floor and hurt my wrist.... big spot of dark green spot n unbearable pain the day b4...1st time injury
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