Friday 5 August 2016

Happy 28th tcher jo. 4th August 16

A date which was suppose to be on the 3rd.
But im glad it falls on the 4th. So i could again play the master coordinator.
The car gave up on me with almost flat front tyres before i went out. So i have no choice but to drive my brother's car of which im not comfortable in. 

Rushed to get the precious ballons at s2 before getting ah lek at rahang. The ballons are the best idea ever. Im a romantic freak if u must know.
But only if you worth a lot to me.
And dammit it jo, you mean a lot to me.

The helium ballons occupied almost the whole back passengers seat. Blocking back mirror's view. Horror i tell you. But i cant lose it now. Steady!

The face when i, lek n jo saw the ballons for the 1st time was the same. That excitement was just so awesome.

We brought the ballons all the way to PD. Ky brought me there before. A restaurant at pd that is famous for its seafood and sunset view.
I love it. And i bet they love it too.
It was a great location for photo shooting especially for a bday gal with candid ballons.
I wish someone could do the same for me.
I dont need fancy expensive gift.
I only need thoughtful display of affection. 
Bloody simple and yet the simplest thing is always the most difficult thing to pull through.

Ofcuz bday gal must blow some candle on cake.
I couldnt find the delicate firework candle.
We crashed at pd waterfront at mcd for hersays sundae cone and starbuck just to chill and blow candle. Prior to that we walked around the place and drawing attention from passerby. Im pretty sure they were all jealous. Haha...

Dear love.
You are special to me in every way.
It is not everyday you wake up and got to meet an awesome silly girl like you along the way to work or sumthg. You dont get to build a friendship over 15 years so easily and who understand you inside out like we did.

As complicated as our mind are, our needs are simple. Correct me if im wrong.
Although i dont have much faith in god n life itself, but if i were to count my luck, you are definitely one of the top in my list.

Love always, 
From the least desperate of our union trio.

Counting down the day ahlek no longer need to fly back to work at sarawak and us as often again.

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