The last pt post...
i just never stop Well, i can’t get it off my head...yet! So, what else do you expect me to do?? I either boom my fb or i shout out loud in my blog la...dun mind me =P
rehersal make up...b4 n's so ah lian....shitty
As i mention up there, the last pt post. I finally find time to write out the stuff that has been dying to spit out...i was practically waiting for my lappy to get fixed so that i can upload my photos as well... haiz. The period without it was like losing a soul mate...very pityful...hence, there u go... skip all you want as this will be another lengthy piece of shit from jc-da-ah ma story teller.
Well, a year long waiting, finally it was time for Pesta Tanglung again. The anticipation was so strong that i drop out all the other stuff and focus only in PT as my main activity this sem. And i did no wrong as i can concentrate on it fully. Pt alone was way too hard to cope with especially during mid sem examination. After the audition, there was no turning back.
The first thing people noticde was that i was the last year dancer...yea... recognition...bla bla bla. I was given comment from teachers and my dancers that i improved so much!! For your information, i was one of the lousiest dancers last year - slow and blur...paiseh is my main reason ba. Knowing that i improved tremendously, i aimed to strive and explore more in dancing.

Classes after classes, i believed i gave the teachers impression that i could be the few main dancers this time around. I hardly made mistakes, i did what they want and being experienced and working with the same teachers, i was able to help out the other inexperience dancers.
Having more dancers this year and more males makes a huge team for the main campus performer troupe. Variety of courses, years and fun they bring along. Of course having the few seniors reunion back like Arroyo, Darren, Melody, Sly gal, and Chansey was so much fun. They made my earlier journey in practices so much smoother. It was always hard for me to get close to new friends. I need time to get myself warm with others unlike the rest. So having em made me feel less alienated.
My senior status was shaky. The confidence i posses have been temporary and i couldn’t cope with the pressure being selected to dance all six pieces. Actually, it was a pleasure being acknowledged and selected but just after few classes missed and hip hop introduced, i started to lose focus and the yelling of the name ‘joanne’ filled up the pusanika air, again. Well, that was what the teachers do when i made mistakes. I was kinda disappointing them and myself so much so that i begin to wonder if i can really do it.

There was once i break down and i so needed a fwen to console me that i messaged my desperation to haha.... i really dunno who else to find. The slimy mushy reply from got me thru the day. The few gals who was also dancing six pieces was very focus and i really admire their memory and stamina. That was what i lack of but i was really trying so hard, or was i?
The performance day was the real deal. Having a sucks final rehearsal bring down everyone else confidence. Everyone cried the day before... rather than anticipating the big nite, we were basically breathing just guilt and pain, physically and emotionally. Sleeping was the injection of strength we beg for. But miracle happens when u hardly expect it. All the fatigues somehow turned to energy and we perform once more on the stage. There were sights of relieve from the teachers in the morning of the performance day and this was a powerful source of stamina boost for every dancers.

Fake eye lashes were shitty-ly annoying and i dun like my make up too. Then came performance, 1st dance was really nerve breaking. My adrenalin pumps were outta control. Chansey, my partner was with me all along. We were holding hand and i felt strong. This was it! Time to turn all hardship@work into glory!!!

We give all out for one last time. The rest of the dances fly by pretty fast. No more time to worry and nervous about the next dance cuz by the moment i was done with dressing, i need to get ready for the next dance. The moment on stage was great!! The impact was so strong even with smaller crowd. Practically every dance received applause of appreciation. The finale, the last bow was touching! It was the more pt, no more dancing.... but that wasn’t what i really want.... as i know so well life after PT is a real challenge. It was already 3 weeks coming after that beautiful night, yet, i’m writing this post that eat up my revision time..aiyayai... still, am very glad that the reviews and comment were wonderful and extreamly positives.

I consider myself lucky for i have joined pt-29 when i was in 1st year. Pt-29 marked the impact of Pt-30 should have. Now that i have achieved my performing desire in pt-30 and shared the limelight and glory of Pt-30 bday with all my 21 beloved dancers, i am looking forward to start a new decade of Pt-31st, to strive another great journey.

Those who have came support me and wished me well in the whole performance, those who enjoy it and those who witnessed, and of course, the dancers...the ones that shared all pains and tears.... i thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Thanks for the most amazing 2 months that we shared. Such exciting journey such high ride, so much memories and stories cherished.
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