Sunday 5 January 2014

Performed at an engagement party tonight. It was Christine's secondary school mate which is also my senior. We were Puterian. But I bet she couldn't recognize me. Anushka asked Christine to help her with entertainment. Of course Christine would want to perform & she offered me to be the partner. 

Met up with the couple 2 days earlier to give them a view of how our songs are gonna be. 
Apparently she is gonna be engaged with a long time boyfriend, an Italian guy. Davide is his name. 
He was very tall, fair and shy in nature. While the girl was the total opposite, very bubbly & bright. I would say a perfect match. 

Today, we went to the private club where only registered member could come. Non member will be kicked out which happened to me once. Met up with her MC friends & her parents as well. They were all so sweet & kind. They made me feel at ease especially when I was the only one that was new to all. It's a Hindu style wedding, very simple & simply joyful to be part of the ceremony.

Sang half of the song that we practiced. Most are classic wedding love songs. 
It made me want this even more. My voice is not superb master vocal but it hasn't been bad at all. 
I really wanna make full use of it. I vow by heart that this performance would not be the 1st & last performance of year 2014.

Things one's gone through makes one grown up. Being through some of the most difficult times makes me think & wonder. 
Singing is my passion. Something I master & is good at. If I'm nervous & screw up doing something I love, perhaps then I should rethink what really suit me. That knock some sense into my head. 

Thus today onwards, I will not back off from any chances of performing. 2014 came with a new dream which is to have a breakthrough for my passion. I have stuff in mind. Now the job is to find a committed musician to start it off which was also difficult. As I say a million times, commitment is one thing everyone fears. 

I just realized I never sound more like myself except when I'm singing. I talk with a different voice. I can't help it. lol.

Many plan in year 2014. Having been given an eternal freedom by my love allows me to go far n fearless. 
Another hole to fill in. I need a new crush target. Hung on too long for the last one. 
I'm 25 & I'm rocking 2014! 

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